Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Father's Day

Happy Father's day to a great daddy. This was a great day. We went to GrandMaMa's and Pop Pop's house to have lunch and and celebrate Tante Julianna's Birthday, and the we came home and had dinner with Grandma and Granddaddy.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Daddy's Helpers

Memorial Day weekend we got to take the boat out to the lake. We decided no matter the weather we were going to camp on the boat Sunday night and spend Monday playing on the water. Well we got out to the lake about 8pm and got set up started feeding the kids and Scott and I finaly ate at midnight I called that one earlier based upon us not rushing to leave, and then we had to put the new little gas grill together in the dark. But the Steak, potatoe and corn was great. I cant wait to cook again on the boat again. The kids enjoyed the boat and the water even though it was still to cold to really enjoy. Despite some rain on Monday afternoon our new top was great and kept us out of the direct sun. Both of the kids like to drive the boat. The pictures below tell you how much they enjoyed it.